NEW CALIFORNIA STATE IS GOING BACK TO WASHINGTON DC, to meet with congress to become the 51st state. Not since 1959 has the United States allowed into the union a new state. New California was founded in 2017 and declared independence from California on January 15, 2018. Working for the last 6 years to build a new state that the United States can be proud of New California will stand strong with the other 50 states in the union.
It takes financial resources to send delegate representatives to Washington and we are asking for your financial help to send our delegates to make a strong case for the New California State.
We are all tired of the tyrannical ways of communist California and it is time to allow a strong constitutional state to reestablish the rule of law. California has failed its 40 million people and it’s irreparably broken, legislatively, judiciously and financially. The only remedy left is to exercise our rights given to us by Article four, sections three and four of the US Constitution. By splitting the state, New California will return the US Constitution back to being the supreme law of the land for both states. Just as our founding fathers intended, New California will restore our God-given liberties by giving the power back to the people that the progressive have been stripping from us for decades. Elections will be controlled again by the people for the people with one day voting, paper ballots, hand counting, voter ID, and no machines.
The Constitution was written for a time like this. Now is the time to reread it, not change it. We are committed to new California, and failure is not an option. It’s the only way to save our state and our homes. We do this for the children, mine and yours. Please donate to New California today at,, thats so we can keep the light of liberty forever bright.